Strategic Vendor Scouting portal

Accelerate supplier scouting and build productive relationships

Supplier Search becomes Smart

Our intelligent search engine can process data from internal requirements and shows the best suppliers identified from the large pool of pre-qualified companies available in our Supplier Portal within Online Procurement.

The network of pre-qualified suppliers in all major commodity areas

A Growing Portal

A Supplier network with a constantly growing number of members

Free of charge

Access to the portal is included for Buyers using Online Procurement and Suppliers can access the qualification process free of charge


Search for new Suppliers directly on your Supplier Management Platform

Suppliers Support

Take the burden off your IT department: we offer full support to suppliers both in the registration and the qualification process


All data available on the platform is protected by strict security and data protection protocols


Minimize the time necessary to manage Vendor Scouting activities and find the best suppliers in one click


The Online Procurement Supplier Portal helps you create new deals and expand your company's market

Suppliers with successful references – more than 80% of the Suppliers enrolled in our Portal are companies already collaborating with other Buyers using Online Procurement or with Public Authorities. This is an additional guarantee of reliability as well as an assurance of their ability to meet requirements for transparency in both process management and sustainability.

Boost competition and generate value – Select the best suppliers and create a competitive environment for supplies with a better quality/cost ratio.

Buyers members of the purchasing department create new partnerships with suppliers through the Online Procurement portal

All information in a single platform – Easily select new suppliers across multiple sectors by viewing data and documents in a single interface.

Reduce timing and costs – speed up search processes and qualify new suppliers by connecting with those with the best specific skills for your industry and areas of interest.

Software mockup of Order Management and purchasing procedures also through an area dedicated to expert evaluators

Real-time updated information – Access constantly updated data thanks to an intelligent monitoring system that sends alerts and warnings to suppliers when certification and document deadlines are approaching.

Quality Data Analysis – Leverage data consistency and compliance to better compare and process supplier profiles by competency area.


Expand the boundaries of your market and increase the quality/price ratio of your purchases


Supplier Portal – Active Scouting of new suppliers

Find out how expanding borders of your market can optimize your purchasing processes.

Download Vendor Scouting Software Brochure
Behind a great product there is always a great supplier

Are you a Supplier? Register now for free to our Supplier Portal and start increasing your business chances.

Source-to-Pay software developed for the most demanding customers

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