Efficient supplier management to get benefits all-around: the success case of ALIA

A customized platform, shaped around the business needs of efficiency and savings, is what we have built with ALIA over years of collaboration.

Strengthened by the implementation of a customized and more efficient supplier qualification and evaluation system, as well as the automation in the management of tenders and contracts, ALIA has managed to strengthen productivity and build stronger partnerships with suppliers.


Better qualify suppliers: the need to renovate and automate the registration and qualification process of suppliers to ensure a faster and more efficient procedure, totally customized according to company needs.

Optimize the Rating: implement a personalized rating system based on questionnaires, establishing and tracking common KPIs for all supplies.

Automate the management of tenders and contracts: manage partnerships with key suppliers by simplifying and standardizing procedures and contracts.

ALIA Environmental Services

ALIA Environmental Services S.p.A. is the largest public-private company of environmental services operating in central Italy.

The company is based in Tuscany and controls different entities and investee companies operating in the field of waste collection, public services, and environmental technological research.


Accurate and always updated qualification of suppliers

Filling out a customized registration form, requesting specific certifications for each registration category, automatic disabling suppliers at the expiry of the documents are just some of the elements that have simplified suppliers qualification and management, with exponential results on all processes.

Enhanced productivity

Thanks to the customization of the supplier qualification process, we have ensured a more streamlined and efficient collaboration process between company and suppliers. ALIA particularly appreciated the various dependency and compulsory automatisms for document deadlines, integrated with a useful system of related notifications.

Efficient Vendor Rating

Through an automated Vendor Rating system, based on questionnaires built around specific KPIs relevant to ALIA, we have made it possible to evaluate more precise and efficient suppliers which have turned into a better quality of services and savings.

Stronger partnerships

By working on the negotiation process standardization and the reuse of contractual information relevant to the same supplier or for similar suppliers, more solid partnerships have been built, optimizing also management timing.

Thanks to an all-encompassing work on the procurement process, we have supported one of the largest companies operating in the environmental sector in central Italy in the complete digitalization of their purchasing processes.

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