Course of action: 3.6.4 / Main goal: Credit access improvement for the companies / Priority Axis: III. Competitiveness of the production system
The purpose of the DIGITALPA innovative project, through the Digital-Smart Community , is to enhance the communication and efficiency of the various parties involved, through a highly technological software that exploits the potential introduced by broadband and the widespread diffusion of mobile devices .
The ultimate goal is therefore to set up the technological infrastructures to create an intelligent community, or a community that operates in presence and on the network, able to give rise to direct opportunities for active participation (e-participation) and governance ( e-democracy), also through advanced e-procurement systems, to address all the issues of the territory in order to improve the quality of life of the whole community and create wealth through the synergy between public administrations, citizens, economic operators and associations present in the territory.
The Smart Community will thus have a double value:
- Connective structure: structured, connected, aware and aimed at satisfying common needs.
- Adaptive structure: entities capable of generating data and knowledge that can be shared among all the figures that make up the Smart Community itself.
The Smart Community project is composed of different modules with different functions and purposes, completely interoperable with each other. The core of the software consists of a centralized platform through which the various modules can interact and communicate. The core platform allows, through its central module, to define the organization chart and its users and access permissions to the various activated modules, as well as the registries of all the subjects involved. Starting from the same landing page, users can therefore access the management of all activated modules with the same credentials. It also allows you to manage the schedules of any type (licenses, regulatory schedules, calendars, etc.), it also allows, through information boxes, a rapid communication with the customers, software versioning, scheduled updates, assistance center and support.
Project code: NI_Innovative-9- 7675
Project Title: Programma di aiuti alle nuove imprese innovative
CUP: G27E18000140006
Project total amount: € 686.180,51
Funded amount: 459.603,71 quota POR FESR: 66,98%
Source: POR FESR Sardegna 2014 – 2020 Asse 3 Azione 3.6.4
Dates: 12/07/2018 | 12/07/2018
Contact: info@digitalpa.it
Visit the website : www.sardegnaprogrammazione.it